January 4, 2010
The DMN e-News and an occasional hard copy DMN News are published by the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association (DMNA) on an “as-needed” schedule. The Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association, Inc. has been working to unite neighbors to solve mutual problems and promote fellowship among neighbors since 1973.
President, Jeff Glazer, jglazer75@gmail.com 277-1778
News contact, Mary Mullen, mmullen@chorus.net, 298-0843
Neighborhood Calendar
Tuesday, January 5, 7 p.m. – DMNA Marsh Protection Committee Meeting, at the home of Brooke Norsted, 4225 Sheffield. Any interested resident is welcome. Inform Brooke if you plan to attend or have questions. See article #1.
Tuesday, January 19, 7 p.m. - Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association Council Meeting, Prairie UU Society, 2010 Whenona Drive (corner of Whenona & Crawford). Residents welcome, but only Council members vote. Inform DMNA president (above) if you plan to attend.
Wednesday, January 20, 5:30 p.m. – Alcohol License Review Committee, Rm. 201, City-County Building, decision on liquor license for 4265 W. Beltline (the stucco house). See article #4.
Coming in late January or early February, hearings/meetings on plans for changes at Beltline/Verona Road intersection and frontage roads. Contact Kevin Evanco kevanco@gmail.com if you want to be directly informed of dates and times, or keep an eye on DMNA e-mail communications.
Article List
Neighborhood Interest
1 - Marsh Meeting Jan. 5: Be the First to Know Plans for a New Wet Pond Below Apache
2 - Chance to Show Your Sympathy for Echols Family – by January 15
3 - “God Had Me Blessed…”
4 - Action on Caputo Liquor License Application Referred to January 20 ALRC Meeting
5 - Faouzi’s Restaurant and Bar Liquor License Application Put “On File Without Prejudice”
6 - Your Neighbors are on Video Talking about the Liquor License Applications
7 - “Great Backyard Bird Count” Training Event, Saturday, Feb. 13
8 - Kenosha Greyhound Racetrack Closes. Greyhounds Available for Adoption
Focus on Energy
9 - Help Our Neighborhood Win $1000 through MG&E’s Green Power Challenge
MG&E EnergyWise Hints
11 - A space heater is a space heater is a space heater
12 - Quick Quiz: What causes condensation on windows in the winter?
13 - A freeze alarm can protect your house
14 - Timely tips for toasty toes
Handy Numbers
15 - Handy Numbers
16 - DMNA Council, 2009-2010
Neighborhood Interest
1 - Marsh Meeting Jan. 5: Be the First to Know Plans for a New Wet Pond Below Apache
I wanted to alert you to a meeting of the Dunn's Marsh Neighborhood Association Marsh Committee on Tuesday, January 5th from 7-8 pm at my house, 4225 Sheffield Road. Rick Eilertson, City of Fitchburg Environmental Engineer, will be discussing with us a number of upcoming projects that he has received grants for that impact the neighborhood. I've included our discussion agenda below - if you have anything you would like to add, please let me know.
1. Welcome and Introductionsby Brooke Norsted
2. Apache Drive Wet Pond Construction (2010 to 2011)
a. Property transfer from Dane County to City of Fitchburg
b. Clearing of honeysuckle, buckthorn, box elder, and other trees and shrubs
c. Topographic survey of property, wetland re-delineation, final stormwater design
d. Public information signage to explain water cycle, hydrology, stormwater quality, wetland significance, etc.
e. Access for future maintenance and possible connections to Cannonball Trail
3. Future Planning ideas for Dunn's Marsh
a. Public information signage and access to adjacent bike trails (Capital City Trail, Cannonball Trail, SW Commuter Trail, Badger Trail, Military Ridge Trail, etc.)
b. Restoration ideas for the Dunn's Marsh North & South Complexes
c. Connections between local parks & Natural Areas (Dunn's Marsh North Complex, Dunn's Marsh South Complex, Dawley Conservancy, Harlan Hills Park, Arrowhead Park, Marlborough Park, UW Arboretum, Knollwood Conservancy, etc.)
d. Long-term plans for Dunn's Marsh public properties (owned by Dane County, City of Madison, and City of Fitchburg)
DMNA Marsh Protection Committee Convener
2 - Chance to Show Your Sympathy for Echols Family – by January 15
On the day of the big snowstorm December 10, the Echols family on Lumley Road in the neighborhood lost their 10-year-old son Tyrickus to a seizure. Tyrickus was the son of Henrickus Echols and Beverly Williams. Other members of the family are his twin brother and two younger siblings. Losing any family member is hard, but losing a child means losing not only a loved member of the family, but the happy presence and the future that a child represents. The loss also means extra expenses for the family and the depression that comes with such an unexpected tragedy.
At its December 15 meeting, the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Council decided to offer neighbors a chance to contribute to the family’s well-being now that much of the immediate support of extended family, friends, and neighbors may be diminishing due to time passing and the conclusion of the holidays. Donations will go to financial support of the family such as rent support, a grocery store gift card, or gas card.
People who wish to contribute may write a check to the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association with the memo line “Tyrickus Echols family.” Send the check to DMNA Social Chair Sheila Handrick, 4321 Lilac Lane, Madison, WI 53711. The deadline for contributions is Friday, January 15.
by Mary Mullen
3 - “God Had Me Blessed…”
“God had me blessesd.” These were the words of an elderly woman who fell in her driveway on DeVolis Parkway on December 9. She was rescued by her good neighbor Bob Hague who lives way across the wide parkway on the same street. Both neighbors are members of the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association.
The woman had gone out to get her newspaper in the morning taking her snow shovel with her. She lost her footing on the snowy driveway. “I struggled and couldn’t get up for 10 minutes,” she said. “ It was 6:45 in the morning. I saw Bob come out of his house. I called to him, “Bob, Bob.” Bob Hague heard her cries for help and immediately came over to help her up.
Thinking about the situation later, she said, “God had me blessed. I would have been found frozen if he hadn’t come out and heard me. That is the blessing, the neighbors taking care of each other.”
What’s the lesson for the rest of us? To keep an eye on neighbors who may need help. This elderly woman helps her immediate next-door neighbor by allowing him to park in her driveway now that she doesn’t have a car. This makes it look like someone is in the house protecting it from burglaries. Now, especially since she sees people who don’t live on her street walking down the sidewalks, having a car in the driveway adds to her comfort level. In return for providing the parking space, she has asked this neighbor to put her garbage cans out for Monday morning pick-up. This neighbor also clears her sidewalk after a snowstorm.
These are some other things we can do for elderly neighbors or younger ones too who could use our help: bring in the newspaper to the front door, shovel, clear debris, grocery shop, take to them appointments, contact senior centers for services, make sure that older residents have a tracfone cell phone for safety (any cell phone will call 911 even if not connected to a provider), food, electricity, flashlights in the home and small flashlight for the pocket, garbage takeout, house cleaning, and so on.
by Mary Mullen
some ideas from Cathy Casper
4 - Action on Caputo Liquor License Application Referred to January 20 ALRC Meeting
After an hour and a half hearing and related discussion by the Madison ALRC (Alcohol License Review Committee), the ALRC decided to put off a decision on the liquor license for 4265 West Beltline (the stucco house) until its January 20th meeting.
The decision was based primarily on issues brought up by intrepid neighborhood residents who waited for over an hour and a quarter before the hearing began and then sat through the long hearing and deliberations. During discussion, the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association was given a high compliment by ALRC member Thomas Landgraf who characterized the DMNA as “very thoughtful and very involved.”
The applicant, Mr. Tom Caputo, emphasized that Bernie & Tony's Piano Bar & Sicilian Restaurante would be a supper club appealing to older people and that it would include a bulk cheese and meats Chicago-style deli and a little gift shop as well. He said that his establishment would be open six days a week from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. and closed on Sunday. Customers would be drawn from Nakoma, Arbor Hills, and Seminole Hills and from traffic passing by on the Beltline. He compared his proposed Bernie and Tony’s to Louisianne’s in Middleton.
After the hearing, when he was called to the stand again, Mr. Caputo explained that his wife would be an assistant manager, and his own office manager for 10 years and his daughter would also be key workers. Still, the ALRC was moved by the testimony of the 11 neighborhood people who spoke about their concerns.
DMNA President Jeff Glazer appeared on behalf of the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association supporting approval. He noted that the DMNA Council had voted in favor of the license although by a slim margin of one vote with several abstentions. When ALRC members questioned him, he explained that one reason for approval was that the neighborhood had been told that there would be opportunities to speak about issues of concern in front of other city commissions and committees, and that these issues might prove “fatal” to the project. One very major issue is parking concerns
After quite a bit of back and forth, ALRC members, particularly Alder Mike Verveer, made it clear that the ALRC could very well be the only venue where the neighborhood could get conditions placed on this establishment and that it was appropriate for the ALRC to consider parking and other issues in granting a license. All work that Mr. Caputo might do on his property including cutting down all his trees and paving part or all of his entire lot might need only city staff approval if no variances were needed. Neighborhoods have no influence over staff approvals.
ALRC members spoke repeatedly about how neighbors’ concerns are their concerns. Apparently they have had many experiences of complaints about licensees. Speaking to Mr. Caputo, ALRC member Landgraf said that “Others have stood right where you are… but something went terribly wrong” because the issues weren’t dealt with ahead of time. “I’m not hearing that the plan is really cooked so it can be served up.”
The 5 neighbors who spoke all opposed the license. Recurring themes were parking overflow into the neighborhood, the drastic change in use from residential to restaurant/bar, fear of a criminal element being drawn to a place serving alcohol, concentration of alcohol-centered businesses on this block of the Beltline (potentially 3, each one building away from another), location just a block away from problem areas on Britta and at the Highlander, the fact that Mr. Caputo had not come to the special neighborhood meeting specifically called by the DMNA to talk to license applicants, and the distrust neighbors felt when Mr. Caputo gave discrepant answers to questions or didn’t follow through with what he had promised such as agreements for parking at other locations. The apartment owner mentioned concerns with fencing and water run-off from a paved parking lot. Presently the back yard is grassed.
Speakers against the license included Thea Bach, Mary Mullen, Shiela Handrick, Pamela Danielson, and Cathy Casper. Other registrants against the license did not speak. They were John Bach, Donna Sarafin, Jason Anderson, Sharon Grant, and James Danielson.
A letter from the business owner of Madison Music also figured in the ALRC’s decision to refer the matter to the January 20 meeting. He said that Mr. Caputo had called him but that the cell phone number he had left never worked for three days because the cell phone must have been turned off
Toward the end, ALRC members and Alder Solomon had a lot of advice for Mr. Caputo. Alder Solomon said he thought neighbors could become more positive if Mr. Caputo had a security plan and a parking plan. Tom Landgraf said he would like to see Mr. Caputo’s plan worked out including moving people in and out and his security plan. In the end, Alder Verveer, who made the motion for referral, suggested that Mr. Caputo make a visit to the Zoning and Planning Department to find out what he needed in the way of parking or any conditional use permits for parking or exterior outdoor dining and that he apply for a separate entertainment license for the piano bar which would apparently also need a security plan with it. The motion for referral passed on a vote of 5 for referral and one against.
by Mary Mullen
5 - Faouzi’s Restaurant and Bar Liquor License Application Put “On File Without Prejudice”
The liquor license application desired by Said Jridi and Ahmed Faouzi for 4245 West Beltline, the old Blarney Stone, was put “on file without prejudice” after the hearing before the ALRC (Madison’s Alcohol License Review Committee) at its December 16, 2009 meeting.
The hearing revealed to ALRC members and the public that the applicants could not go forward because Mr. Faouzi had criminal convictions that would prohibit his being involved in any liquor license application.
In addition, the ALRC was unhappy with a number of other aspects of the application. The applicants had not given their addresses as required, there was confusion because a revised application with a number of changes didn’t seem to be in the ALRC materials, and an attorney was mentioned as their agent, something that is frowned on by the ALRC. Some were concerned that the junior partner, Mr. Jridi, did not have enough experience in establishments serving alcohol to be the major person in charge of the restaurant/bar.
One member, Dr. Bean, also said that she would want a lot more information about the change in the percentages of income expected from alcohol and food. The original application said that income would be 60%/40% in favor of alcohol. The amended application switched the percentages to 60% food/40% liquor. Just how did the applicants arrive at that 20% change, she wanted to know. What exactly had they changed that would account for that big a difference in receipts?
After some discussion, ALRC member Farley moved to deny the license for Faouzi’s Restaurant and Bar. He withdrew his motion in favor of Alder Verveer’s motion to “place the application on file without prejudice.” This motion passed unanimously. This means that Mr. Jridi may come back at any time with a new application that is completely filled out, thoroughly explains how the alcohol/food percentages were obtained, and does not include Mr. Faouzi in any way.
Eleven people from the neighborhood were registered against Faouzi’s Restaurant and Bar. Those who spoke against it were Jeff Glazer representing the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association, Jim Danielson who owns an apartment building on Lumley, John Bach, Mary Mullen, and Cathy Casper. Also registered against the license but not speaking were Jason Anderson, Thea Bach, Sharon Grant, Sheila Handrick, and Donna Sarafin. Alder Brian Solomon also spoke against this application.
by Mary Mullen
6 - Your Neighbors are on Video Talking about the Liquor License Applications
Are you curious to know EXACTLY what happened at the Alcohol License Review Committee (ALRC) on December 16 that resulted in referring action on the Caputo application until the January 20 meeting and placing the Faouzi application “on file without prejudice?”
For a short version, anyone with a computer can look at the minutes of the meeting at http://legistar.cityofmadison.com/meetings/2009/12/7748_M_ALCOHOL_LICENSE_RE
VIEW_COMMITTEE_09-12-16_Meeting_Minutes.pdf. The items are numbers 2 & 3 under New License – Public Hearing.
Are you a real bear for punishment? Then you can also see and hear both ALRC hearings on video at your computer at <rtsp://helix.cityofmadison.com:554/mcc12/lr121609.rm>. The hearing on Tom Caputo’s application for a Sicilian piano bar at 4265 W. Beltline (the stucco house) lasts for 1½ hours including the committee members’ questions, discussion, and vote. The hearing on Faouzi’s Restaurant and Bar, 4245 W. Beltline, is a bit shorter.
Although the hearings were the second and third items on the agenda, they weren’t taken up until an hour and 18 minutes into the meeting.
Save yourself some time by going directly to the Caputo hearing at time 1:18:00. (Move the slider while you watch the time in blue print above it.) If you manage to get through that hearing and want to view the next one, go to time 3:09:00 for the beginning of the Faouzi hearing..
by Mary Mullen
7 - “Great Backyard Bird Count” Training Event, Saturday, Feb. 13 (Count is Feb. 12-15.)
Learn more about Wisconsin’s winter bird residents and join tens of thousands of everyday bird watchers for the 13th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)! This national event, organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society, is an opportunity for families, students, and people of all ages to engage in real citizen science. As a participant, you’ll count birds and report their sightings online at www.birdcount.org. We’ll provide the binoculars and teach you how!
The FREE training to participate is Saturday, February 13, 2010, 1:30-3:30 at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 300 Femrite Drive, Monona, WI 53716. Please pre-register! Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 11, 2010. For more information or to register by phone, call 221-0404,
To register online for this training, click on
https://site420.mysite4now.net/alnc/naturenet/secure/GeneralProgReg.asp <file://localhost/alnc/naturenet/secure/GeneralProgReg.asp> . Then fill in your name, contact information, the name of the program (Great Backyard Bird Count) and the program date and time (Feb. 13, 2010, 1:30-3:30 p.m.).
Many more details are available at the website of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website for the Great Backyard Bird Count: http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/howto.html It’s a goldmine of information including files of birdsongs. This year the 4 days of the count are February 12-15, 2010.
Wouldn’t it be great if a number of Dunn’s Marsh neighbors participated in the count and then shared their information with the DMNA to share via this e-News? Consider it!!!!
8 - Kenosha Greyhound Racetrack Closes. Greyhounds Available for Adoption
The Dairyland Greyhound Racetrack, Kenosha, WI closed on Dec. 31, 2009. Nine hundred Greyhounds need adopting. These are great dogs for an active family because they have been crated most of their lives and sleep about 18 hours a day. Dogs are tested for cat, small dog friendly and multiple dog homes.
For more information, go to the adoption page of Dairyland Greyhound Park website at http://www.dairylandgreyhoundpark.com/adoption.asp. A link will bring you to the adoption application form. Or call (312) 559.0887 or Dairyland Race Track Adoption Center at (262) 612-8256.
Focus on Energy
9 - Help Our Neighborhood Win $1000 through MG&E’s Green Power Challenge
Our Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association has a chance to win $1000 in Madison Gas and Electric’s Neighborhood Green Power Challenge. The DMNA Council voted to register for the challenge at its December 15 meeting.
How can we win? By becoming the neighborhood with the largest percent increase in Green Power Tomorrow participation.
But what does this really mean? Green Power Tomorrow is a sign-up to buy green power – mostly wind power - for your home to offset a portion or all of your electricity-generated carbon dioxide emissions. Residential customers can select a fixed 300-kWh block of green power per month or 50% or 100% of their monthly energy use. Under this program each kWh of electricity costs 1 ¼ cents more than it would normally cost and the excess goes to support green power (wind and solar power). For the average household, this would mean an extra $7.50 a month if the household signed up for 100% green power.
For this writer’s household, my 481 kWh average use would mean an increase of $6.01 per month at 100% green power. You can find your own average cost by going to
<https://www.mge.com/my_mge/ServiceForms/WindPowerRes.htm <file://localhost/my_mge/ServiceForms/WindPowerRes.htm> > and putting your address into the form and hitting the search button.
But the cost for many of us may be well worth it. As publicity for the program notes, by adding more renewable energy to our electricity supply, we can:
• Reduce global climate change.
• Reduce the environmental impacts of developing fossil fuel resources.
• Reduce our dependence on scarce energy sources.
• Reduce our dependence on foreign energy resources.
The winner is determined at the program deadline on September 30. Green Power Tomorrow participation from the baseline found at the beginning of the challenge period will be compared to that on September 30.
As part of the challenge program MG&E will also provide support and materials for green power marketing as needed and support and materials for improving energy efficiency in homes and businesses.
Watch for more information, and consider becoming one of the households that may make us the winner of this challenge. Want more information right now? Go to https://www.mge.com/my_mge/ServiceForms/WindPowerRes.htm <file://localhost/my_mge/ServiceForms/WindPowerRes.htm> . At the bottom of the page are links to twoarticles, “More about Green Power Tomorrow” and “Green Power Tomorrow: Frequently Asked Questions.”
by Mary Mullen
10 -MG&E EnergyWise Hints teaser
Winter is on our doorstep just waiting to come in, and we are all thinking about staying warm.
Are you tempted to buy a space heater for a little extra heat? Get the facts on those expensive "miracle heaters" and watch our video to avoid getting burnedWith falling temperatures comes condensation and ice on the inside of your windows. Our "quick quiz" will explain what to do about this problem.
Ever leave for a relaxing vacation only to find that you're worrying about the pipes freezing? A "freeze alarm" might be just the ticket to give you peace of mind. And, who doesn't like to have warm feet in the winter time. We give you 8 "timely tips for toasty toes" to keep your tootsies happy.
11 - A space heater is a space heater is a space heater
You may have seen full page ads in the newspaper or heard commercials by celebrities touting a "new advanced portable space heater that can cut your heating bill by up to 50%." (One of these units sells for $400 and was actually ranked second-to-last in performance by a leading consumer magazine.)
Or, the ad showing a "free miracle Amish fireplace" that "uses less energy than a coffee maker, yet produces an amazing 5119 BTUs!" (That's the same number of BTUs a standard 1500-watt portable electric space heater produces. You can buy one of those for $30 to $60 at any hardware store, yet the "miracle fireplace" is priced at $298.)
Be wary of claims that portable electric space heaters can save you money on your energy bill.
If you're thinking of buying a space heater, it will probably increase your heating bills, not decrease them. Here's the reason; it costs twice as much to heat with an electric space heater than it does to heat with a natural gas furnace. For every 1° you set back your thermostat, you can save about 1° on your heating bill. In order to save with a space heater, you would have to only use it in the room you're occupying and turn down the thermostat to the rest of the house so that the furnace doesn't go on. This may be impractical or unsafe to do.
12 - Quick Quiz: What causes condensation on windows in the winter?
It's not usually the windows. Whenever there is too much humidity in a home, it appears in the form of condensation on the coldest area, which is normally the windows. There are several things you can do to control the sources of moisture.
· Run the exhaust fans in your kitchen, laundry and bathrooms a little longer.
· Cover the sump pump pit and fish tank.
· Consider reducing the number of house plants.
· If you regularly have condensation on your windows and you have a furnace humidifier or any other type of humidifier, turn it off.
During winter, relative humidity between 25% and 40% is recommended. In colder weather, humidity toward the lower end of this range is better for reducing condensation and mold growth. MGE recommends buying a digital humidity gauge from Therma-Stor Products, (608) 237-8400.
13 - A freeze alarm can protect your home
If you've ever left your home for a vacation or flown down south for the winter (many "snow birds" do), you've probably worried about your furnace quitting and frozen, burst pipes. Water damage to your home can be extensive and expensive. A "freeze alarm" or temperature alarm can give you peace of mind. There are many brands available but basically they work like this:
In the event of a drop below a set temperature (say 55°), the alarm will call out to any phone number you program, continuing to call until the temperature rises or the alert is canceled. (Some models can be programmed to call up to 5 numbers.) Using your existing telephone line or cellular service, it will continue to call every 15 minutes or every 2 hours, depending on how you program it.
Some models are more sophisticated with features that allow you to remotely check the current temperature in your home or turn up the heat before you arrive. (Several models require monitoring by a security company and you will have to pay a monitoring charge.) A "water alarm" can prevent costly damage caused by leaking pipes, overflowing sumps, appliance hoses, clogged A/C condensing pans, ice makers and hot water heaters.
To purchase, check local hardware and electronic stores or online.
14 - Timely tips for toasty toes
Here are 8 suggestions to keep your feet warm during cold weather:
Exercise daily to keep circulation at its optimum performance
Wear proper fitting shoes to ensure blood flow is not cut-off to the feet
Warm up cold feet with a warm, not hot, foot soak for temporary relief or prior to going to bed
Wear socks with warming power such as wool or microfiber if wool allergies exist
Use a hot water bottle to warm feet
Drink plenty of fluids during the day
Keep the body's core temperature up by dressing warmly
Use microwavable booties that can be warmed quickly and provide moist heat for the feet
Above articles with green headlines from Madison Gas and Electric
Handy Numbers
15 - Handy Numbers
One goal of this neighborhood newsletter is to keep you informed of ways you yourself can work as an individual to protect yourself and make this the best possible neighborhood for all of us. Keep these numbers on your refrigerator or near your phone in case you ever want or need to use them.
Emergency – 911
Madison Police non-emergency - 255-2345. Madison West Dist. - 243-0500.
Fitchburg Police non-emergency – 270-4300
Madison “Report a Problem” is good for reporting many kinds of problems such as potholes, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, sidewalk issues including ice and snow, and many other kinds. Go to: http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/reportaproblem/
Local Political Representatives - Madison
Madison: 10th Dist. Ald. Brian Solomon, 446-1362, briansolomon@charter.net, district10@cityofmadison.com
Co. Sup. Carousel Andrea Bayrd cbayrd@gmail.com <mailto:cbayrd@gmail.com> , (h) 442-6294, (c) 658-7333, Co. Bd. office 266-5758
Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, 266-4611.
Other Madison officials: http://www.cityofmadison.com/contact/
Local Political Representatives - Fitchburg
Fitchburg Ald. carol.poole@city.fitchburg.wi.us, (h) 225-4961, Fitchburg City Hall 270-4200
Fitchburg Ald. andrew.potts@city.fitchburg.wi.us <mailto:andrew.potts@city.fitchburg.wi.us> , (h) 310-4173, Fitchburg City Hall 270-4200
Co. Sup. Matt Veldran (Fitchburg) veldran@co.dane.wi.us <mailto:veldran@co.dane.wi.us> (h)271-0722, Co. Bd. office 266-5758
Fitchburg Mayor Jay Allen, 270-4215 (o), 438-9261 (cell), jay.allen@city.fitchburg.wi.us <mailto:jay.allen@city.fitchburg.wi.us>
(Elected at annual meeting of 10-27-09. Will serve until September or October 2010.)
Marlborough Reps
Jeff Glazer, President, 277-1778 jglazer75@gmail.com
Donna Sarafin, Vice President, Convener of Streets/Transportation Committee, 273-0437 (h), 233-4108 (w) dksarafin@yahoo.com
Mary Mullen, Convener of Communications Committee, 298-0843 mmullen@chorus.net
Sheila Handrick, Convener of the Parks/Recreation and the Social Committees, 663-0691, sm_hand@yahoo.com <mailto:sm_hand@yahoo.com>
Scott Sauer, 273-0904 scottbsauer@yahoo.com <mailto:scottbsauer@yahoo.com>
Crawford Reps
Solare O’Brien, Secretary, 441-9573, sobrien@tds.net <mailto:sobrien@tds.net>
Kim Zinski, 271-2436
Gigi Miller Solari, Convener of the Neighborhood Preservation Committee, 712-1408, millerg@firstweber.com <mailto:millerg@firstweber.com>
Jo Kelley, Ad Hoc Housing Co-Chair, 276-8010, 445-5982, jokelley@tds.net <mailto:jokelley@tds.net>
Belmar Reps
Carol Poole, Treasurer and Registered Agent, 273-3168, lorac511@sbcglobal.net <mailto:lorac511@sbcglobal.net>
Nathan Franklin, 661-9405, fnbfrank3@yahoo.com <mailto:fnbfrank3@yahoo.com>
Allied Reps
Peter Schmitt, 274-3658 P8rjs@live.com
Off-Council Committee Conveners/Chairs
Brooke Norsted, Convener Marsh Protection Committee & Co-Chair of the Ad Hoc Housing Committee, 271-2155, baswanson@gmail.com
Kevin Evanco, for information on upcoming Verona Road/Beltline Intersection meetings/hearings,
288-0235, kevanco@gmail.com
----------- end of January 4, 2010 Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood e-News --------