December 20, 2010
The DMN e-News and an occasional hard copy DMN News are published by the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association (DMNA) on an “as-needed” schedule. The Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association, Inc. has been working to unite neighbors to solve mutual problems and promote fellowship among neighbors since 1973.
President, Jeff Glazer, 277-1778
News contact, Mary Mullen, 298-0843
On Facebook:
Mon., Dec. 24 – 4:30 p.m. – Christmas Carol Sing - Prairie UU Society Bldg., corner of Whenona & Crawford (Article #1.)
Tues., Jan 4 - 10-11 am – Free Early Literacy Workshop: Parents As Teachers for Children ages 3-5 ; 6:30-7:30 pm – Free Early Literacy Workshop: Parents As Teachers for Children ages 5-7 – Fitchburg Community Center, 5510 Lacy Rd. (Article 17.)
Tues., Jan. 18 – 7 pm – DMNA Council Meeting – Prairie UU Society Bldg., corner of Whenona & Crawford. Any resident may attend, but only Council members may vote.
Wed., Jan. 19, 6:30-8:00 pm - Free Early Literacy Workshop: Promoting Early Literacy Skills in Young Children, ages birth to 4 years – Fitchburg Community Center, Fitchburg Room, 5510 Lacy Rd. (Article 17.)
Wed., Jan. 26, 6:30-8:00 pm - Free Early Literacy Workshop: Promoting Early Literacy Skills in Young Children, Kindergarten-Grade3 – Fitchburg Community Center, Fitchburg Room, 5510 Lacy Rd. (Article 17.)
List of Articles
Neighborhood News
1 - Sing Christmas Carols in the Neighborhood at 4:30 on Christmas Eve
2 - DMNA Council Ready to Accept Applicants for 4 Positions on Council
3 - Going Green With MG&E – How Did We Do?
4 - Picture History of Marlborough Park (Attachment: 1 parkpanoramaDuo.jpg)
5 - Park Becomes Winter Wonderland After Big Storm (Attachment: 2 col Winter Wonder.jpg)
6 - Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Article in December “Sustainable Times”
7 - City of Madison Responds to Last Push on Verona Road Resolution
8 - County Resolution to WisDOT Focuses on Environmental Monitoring
9 - DMNA and ADMNA Submit Four Documents to WisDOT about Verona Road Project
10 - Thanks For Your Time, Verona Road Activists
11 - Neighborhood Council: A Center for Your Good Ideas
12 - Keep Connected To Neighborhood Leaders, Madison, & Fitchburg
13 - Alder Brian Solomon’s December Update
14 - Save with LED holiday Lights
15 - WI Air National Guard Soars When it Comes to Being Green
16 - Tips for Avoiding Burglaries and Thefts (Attachments: 3 2010 Burglary-Theft .pdf & 4 Home Security Checklist.jpg)
Workshops for Young and Old
17 - Workshops for Parents on Promoting Early Literacy, Jan. 4, 19, & 26
18 - HospiceCare Q & A Seminar Scheduled for January 11
19 - A New Way to Have the HospiceCare Conversation: For some, "hospice" is a scary word
Just for Fun
20 - Happy Holidays from the National Women's History Project!
21 - Which Great Woman Was Born On Your Birthday?
Neighborhood News
1 - Sing Christmas Carols in the Neighborhood at 4:30 on Christmas Eve
Prairie UU Society invites neighbors to join in singing traditional Christmas carols on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. This “Candlelight Carol Sing” event is open to people of all faith traditions – or none at all. If you like singing carols, plan to attend.
Although it isn’t necessary, you are welcome to e-mail the titles of your favorite carols to
The event starts at 4:30 pm.. Location: Prairie UU Society, 2010 Whenona Drive, corner of Whenona and Crawford.
2 - DMNA Council Ready to Accept Applicants for 4 Positions on Council
Are you full of civic spirit and want to work with others to watch over and improve our neighborhood? Well look no further. You might be just the kind of person the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association is looking for to fill out our DMNA Neighborhood Council.
A full Council is 12 people, but only 8 were elected at the annual meeting of the Association on October 21. Thus, 4 positions are available. One of them must be filled with a person from the Allied area of the neighborhood, but the other 3 can come from anywhere in the neighborhood.
Currently we have 4 Council members representing the Marlborough area, 3 from the Crawford area, and 1 from the Belmar area.
Council members must be willing to abide by our bylaws, have their contact information published, commit to attending our monthly Neighborhood Council meetings, and help with the work of the neighborhood such as delivering flyers and attending other meetings. Positive ideas about how we can improve the neighborhood are most welcome. Council members must be or become members of the Association.
Potential Council members should apply by coming to a neighborhood council meeting ready to share your goals for the neighborhood and any experience that will help the Council evaluate your “application.” The current Council votes on members to fill vacancies.
3 - Going Green With MG&E – How Did We Do?
Remember back months ago when the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood signed up the neighborhood to participate in the Green Power Tomorrow challenge? Well, we didn’t win, but we didn’t finish up at the bottom of the 16 neighborhoods that participated either.
The winner was the Carpenter-Ridgeway Neighborhood with second place going to Westchester Gardens. Both are East side neighborhoods in the vicinity of the Dane County Regional Airport. Respectively, they had a net increase of 3.77 % and 1.37 % of households signing up for the green energy prices in their electric bills.
The Dunn’s Marsh neighborhood came in 7th out of 16 with a net increase of .43%. This was below Sunset Village, Schenk-Atowod-Starkweather-Yahara, Meadowood, and Elvehjem. Our neighborhood was above Orchard Ridge, Wexford Village, Lake View Hill, Dudgeon-Monroe, Emerson East, University Hill Farms, Regent, Greenbush, and Tenny-Lapham. In fact, the last 4 had a .00% net increase.
Of course it is not too late to sign up although it won’t count for the contest since it’s completed. Just call (608) 252-7117 or go to MGE Green Power Tomorrow <>
To see the chart of the neighborhood contestants, go to <> < <> > .
4 - Picture History of Marlborough Park (Attachment: 1 parkpanoramaDuo.jpg)
Gotcha! If you look at the attachment, you won’t see the whole history of Marlborough Park, but you will see how some of it has changed in 8 years. The first panorama was taken in May 2002 when new DMNA Council member Dorothy Krause bought her house in the neighborhood.
Dorothy took second panorama this past fall, in October 2010.
Of course, some of the difference is due to the season and the slightly different viewpoint. Still, careful viewers will notice that now we have a blooming prairie on top of the hill near the water fountain. Some young deciduous trees have also grown up to the left, right, and in front of the bench.
5 - Park Becomes Winter Wonderland After Big Storm (Attachment: 2 col Winter Wonder.jpg)
After the big snowstorm about a week ago, Marlborough Park and the entire neighborhood became a winter wonderland. Check out a collage of photos from the park. It was great for skiing!
6 - “Sustainable Times” Features Article about Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood
Greetings. I'm happy to report that my students’ article, "Dunn's Marsh: A Wonderful Place to Visit or Call Home," appears in the December 2010 issue of Sustainable Times. There's a reference to the article on the bottom of the front page, and the article appears on pages 18-19. They did a great job, and thanks for your help, DMNA.
The December issue is on the news stand, but not yet on the Sustainable Times website (<>), which currently is only up to the October issue. Find it at Victor’s Coffee on Monroe Street and other locations.
by Professor Denis Collins, Edgewood College
7 - City of Madison Responds to Last Push on Verona Road Resolution
A busy month of meetings culminated this past week on December 14 with some positive changes to the Madison resolution and comments about the Verona Road Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
In the end, the Madison Common Council adopted exactly the resolution that the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association (DMNA) and Allied-Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association (ADMNA) had lobbied for. The comments to be submitted to WisDOT (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) by the City were more of a mixed bag since the City declined to include several of the associations’ suggested changes.
The neighborhood could count it as a victory that Madison changed the resolution to make it a simple submittal document while adding many of the responses to the City staff comments that had been recommended by the neighborhood associations. Among the added responses were suggestions to evaluate a ped/bike bridge over Verona Road at the Beltline, to favor “Option B” to keep the Beltline frontage road next to the Beltline rather than have it dip down to Britta Parkway, to consider adding a signal on Seminole Highway at Sentinel Pass, and to note the associations’ opposition to a detention basin next to Dunn’s Marsh.
Brian Solomon, 10th District Supervisor, was instrumental in getting neighborhood responses included to the extent that they were. The resolution and comments were sponsored by himself and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz. See Alder Solomon’s direct comments about the Verona issue within his December District 10 column in this newsletter.
While many of the responses put into the official City comments were just notations of the position of the associations, this was felt to be better than not even having them mentioned at all which was the case of the original staff comments.
Omitted was any mention of a moratorium on reconstructing the highway. Only one brief sentence mentioned health concerns although several residents had worked very hard to convince the City that there are grave consequences from the air pollution and noise of an enlarged major backbone highway like Verona Road. The project will add 2 lanes to Verona Road and 2 lanes to the Beltline between Whitney Way and Verona Road. The City also refused to change its request that WisDOT buy up and demolish properties far in advance of Stage 3.
Stage 3 is anticipated to be about 2020. Stage 1 construction is expected to begin in 2013.
Several residents who had worked very hard to change the City’s comments were bitterly disappointed at the City’s refusal to recommend a moratorium.
All this work was preliminary to what really counts, the official submission of comments from all parties to WisDOT. The deadline for comments was December 17.
Readers interested in knowing the exact content of the resolution and comments may respond to this newsletter with a request.
by Mary Mullen
8 - County Resolution to WisDOT Focuses on Environmental Monitoring
The Dane County resolution to WisDOT on the Verona Road Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, passed on December 16, focuses on monitoring of noise, air, and water impacts. The monitoring requests matched suggestions made by the DMNA and the ADMNA. They had been made known to county supervisors for our neighborhood when the October 7 letter to Mayor Dave was copied to them.
In addition, the County resolution asks WisDOT for
· more sound mitigation,
· bike lanes and sidewalks on the frontage roads and possibly ped/bike bridges for the Military Ridge and Cannonball Trails that cross PD,
· cooperation to control anticipated increases in traffic flowing into affected neighborhoods due to construction, and
· implementation of “Option B” to keep the Beltline frontage road next to the Beltline rather than letting it dip down to Britta Parkway.
While the neighborhood associations focused mostly on the City of Madison’s input to WIsDOT, residents worked to get “Option B” into the County resolution. Carousel Bayrd, county supervisor for the Madison part of the neighborhood, added this wording the night the resolution was passed.
9 - DMNA and ADMNA Submit Four Documents to WisDOT about Verona Road Project
In a joint action, the DMNA and ADMNA submitted four documents to WisDOT about the Verona Road/Beltline reconstruction project. They were
· a map of the neighborhood since WisDOT had a quite different way of referring to the neighborhoods than we do,
· the October 7 letter to Mayor Dave that outlined 16 major concerns and requests,
· the final request made to the City of Madison so WisDOT would know what we had actually wanted,
· a lengthy detailed rationale for all requests that was substantially similar to the rationale given to Mayor Dave in October.
10 - Thanks For Your Time, Verona Road Activists
A core group of neighborhood residents offered countless hours of their time to try to influence the Verona Road reconstruction project. Many thanks for your efforts!
Residents most active in the past few weeks in going to City and County meetings, contacting elected representatives, and leveraging comments to WisDOT were Jo Ann Kelley, Kim Zinski, Connie Roderick, Sunshine Jones, Nathan Beck, Donna Sarfin, and Mary Mullen. These people attended meetings both in and outside the neighborhood, talked to and wrote e-mails to officials, and spent more hours preparing their statements.
Others in the neighborhood have also submitted comments to WisDOT either by attending the public hearing on October 13 or by turning in written comments. Active in securing comments from Allied area residents was Sina Davis.
Again, thanks to all who worked on this issue and also to your families who supported you in this work. Whether you were named or not in this article, whatever you took the time to do, the neighborhood is better for your efforts.
by Mary Mullen
11- Neighborhood Council: A Center for Your Good Ideas
While the Verona Road project has been a major concern of Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Council in recent months, there’s much more anyone can hear about and make happen by attending Council meetings. Here’s a sampling.
At the November meeting, Council members put forward a a tentative list of possible neighborhood events for this year. Some of these are
· the annual Chili Fest, originally suggested and planned by Miriam Johnson 5 years ago
· a dance
· neighborhood garage sales
· 4th of July parade
· a tour of back yards
· picnic in the park
If neighbors – you - really want any of these events to happen, let someone on the Council know of your willingness to help get them going. The eight people on the Council can’t do everything.
In December, the Council heard more about the Welcomer’s program. The Council is looking for volunteers who love to meet new people to become Welcomers. The neighborhood is divided into several smaller sections with a coordinator for each section. Ideally, there would be an additional volunteer Welcomer from each street so that nobody will have too much to do and so we don’t miss people who are newly moving into the neighborhood. Welcomers will be trained and provided with information to pass on.
Contact Jo Kelley if you are think you might be interested in being one of the volunteers: 276-8010 or
The Council also learned in December that the Allied Wellness Co-op received a $50,000 shot in the arm for a 2-year planning program with the UW Partners Program. The Allied Wellness Center is the fiscal agent for the grant which will fund one person who will work with a neighborhood understudy. The grant provides for a department at the UW to work closely with the project.
Also in the wind are community gardens close to Allied Drive and “doggy poop stations” in Marlborough Park to complement the one barrel for doggy discards at the circle of Lilac Lane. The DMNA may apply for a grant for the doggy stations which would provide plastic bags for doggy-do and additional places to dispose of them properly.
At its next meeting on January 18, Council members will each talk about their vision for the coming year – or more - for the neighborhood. Any resident may attend to listen or bring up an idea or concern.
Contact DMNA President Jeff Glazer if you plan to attend.
by Mary Mullen
12 - Keep Connected To Neighborhood Leaders, Madison, & Fitchburg
It’s the age of connection. To help you stay connected, below are lists of neighborhood and handy city contacts for your refrigerator. Included are 3 places you can follow the DMNA on the world wide web.
Websites for both Fitchburg and Madison are also listed. Because those sites have a wealth of information, it may take awhile to use them to their fullest extent. Experienced users know how to find agendas and minutes of meetings, names and contact information of people serving on city committees, and ways to report problems in the neighborhood. Recently the Madison site was invaluable in keeping up with the Madison resolution about the Verona Road project.
Good luck!
DMNA Neighborhood Council, 2010-2011 (Council elected 10-21-10, to serve until Sept./Oct 2011)
Representing Marlborough
Jeff Glazer, President, 277-1778, 4210 Lumley Road, #3,
Donna Sarafin, 273-04374338 Windflower Way, <>
Mary Mullen, 298-0843, 4337 Milford Rd.,
John Bach, 957-4706, 1905 Danbury St., <>
Representing Crawford
Gigi Miler Solari, Secretary, 712-1408, 4338 DeVolis Parkway
Jo Kelley, 276-8010, 4333 Crawford Drive,
Bob Hague, Vice President, 218-1760, 4353 De Volis,
Representing Belmar
Dorothy Krause, Treasurer, 2105 Apache Dr
Representing Allied
One seat must be held open for a representative from the Allied area.
DMNA on the World Wide Web <> (our independent website) (city of Madison website)
On Facebook:
Allied-Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association
President Selena Pettigrew, 773-515-7916,
Vice President Sina Davis, 886-5994,
Local Political Representatives & other handy numbers
Fitchburg part of the neighborhood.
City website:
Fitchburg Ald., (h) 225-4961, Fitchburg City Hall 270-4200
Fitchburg Ald. <> , (h) 310-4173, Fitchburg City Hall 270-4200
Co. Sup. Matt Veldran <> (c) 235-8369, (h)271-0722, Co. Bd. office 266-5758
Fitchburg Mayor Jay Allen, 270-4215 (o), 438-9261 (cell), <>
Police non-emergency - Fitchburg Police – 270-4300
Madison part of neighborhood
City website:
10th Dist. Ald. Brian Solomon, 446-1362,,
Co. Sup. Carousel Andrea Bayrd <> , (h) 442-6294, (c) 658-7333, Co. Bd. office 266-5758
Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, 266-4611. Other Madison officials:
Police non-emergency - Madison – 255-2345. Madison West Dist. - 243-0500.
Madison “Report a Problem” -
13 - Alder Brian Solomon’s December Update
Greetings D10 Residents and Happy Holidays. I hope that you have a safe and beautiful holiday season as we welcome back the light and the sweet march toward spring. I know I’m ready. And with that, please enjoy my December D10 Update. Be well, and may the New Year bring us all peace, justice, and prosperity. Brian
Overture. We voted on 12/14 to resolve this issue. We voted on the private / private model that eliminates the debt, gives ownership and operation to a private non-profit, and pledges to offer $2 million in city support per year toward operations. I voted for this compromise, but with a great deal of trepidation. As many of you know, I co-authored a letter two months ago, signed by 15 alders, asking for more time. At our November 30 Council meeting, I developed a “transition” amendment that offered much of what Overture needed in the short term, but gave us more time to study the long term owner / operation issue. It failed in place of a decision to go private / private immediately.
However, there is no such thing as private / private when it comes to a place like Overture. It is too important to our city and if further problems occur, the City will be looked at for further assistance. Hopefully the new deal ensures that, should that time come, Overture has such strong public and community support that our deeper involvement would be welcomed without question. I will welcome that day. For now, Overture is safe, the debt issue is resolved, taxpayers are protected, Overture employees are taken care of as well as possible, and we have strong hope that Overture will only get better. I guess we could have done a lot worse than that.
Verona Road. We voted on 12/14 to support the City’s comments to WisDOT and the Federal Highway Administration on the SDEIS. I want to give my DEEP thanks and appreciation to our Dunns Marsh residents and the Dunns Marsh Neighborhood Association for being so involved in this process, for being active in the environmental justice coalition, and for working with me to ensure we have the best comments possible. The comments made clear that this process was flawed and made clear that more work needs to be done on this project. Other than delaying or killing the project (which would be virtually impossible), or looking more holistically at multi-modal approaches to solving transportation problems (we’re sadly not quite there yet), or creating a south reliever (which would just increase sprawl), I don’t think we could have done much better. More to come, but thanks so much to everyone for their involvement and voice. It has been heard.
Budget Update. Most of you know that the Madison Common Council passed our annual Capital and Operating budgets after two nights of deliberations back in November. I sponsored several budget amendments. I voted against some spending increases and in favor of others. I lost some votes and won some. I was pleased that we were able to include additional funding for our community service program grants and $5,000 for an ice rink in Nakoma (a great partnership between Nakoma residents and the Madison Parks Department, see below for more information). I tried for the second time to include minority hiring and living wage targets in the Edgewater TIF allocation, and failed for the second time. I can’t say this budget focused priorities exactly in line with mine, but overall I felt it was a solid budget and I did vote for it.
High Speed Rail. I have written several articles on this and need to combine them into a blog piece one day. The summary is that the US DOT’s decision to reallocate Wisconsin’s $800 million is a sad day for progress, for Wisconsin, and most importantly, for a vision of transportation that moves beyond cars and highways (see Verona Road article above!). I wasn’t thrilled about this high speed rail plan because the trains, in my mind, weren’t going to go fast enough to entice enough riders out of their cars, but that concern wasn’t sufficient to overcome the vast economic development and car-alternative possibilities that the proposal offered. There is a good chance now that Chicago and Minneapolis will be connected via Illinois and Iowa. Just imagine how devestating it would be if that were the case with the highway system. I know and understand that people had concerns about operating costs and that is a very real concern. But Europe, Asia, and now many other states in the US are making investments in transportation infrustructure that will carry them deep into the 21st century, and its hard to imagine many levels where Wisconsin, watching from the sidelines, benefits from that.
Allied Update. The Allied Wellness Cooperative just received another grant for forward movement- congratulations to Susan Corrado and her whole team! Diana Shinall and MAP have leased the crafts mall in front of Home Depot and continue to make progress on their vision for a one price dry cleaner that will offer job training opportunities to disadvanted residents. The Allied neighborhood association just had a wonderful community meal where they honored Susan Corrado for all her great work (see above!). And the CDA, Allied Task Force, and Neighborhood Association continue to progress on the vision and implementation of Phase II of the housing redevelopment project.
Dane Business Surplus Center Website: The site is for Madison and Dane County area businesses to list surplus or unwanted items, equipment or materials. This was modeled after the Madison Stuff Exchange website, which has 11,000 members and has prevented 2.6 million pounds of material out of landfills since 2004. For more on the Stuff Exchange, check out < <> > . For more on the Business Surplus Center, check out < <> > .
Trees. I got a few emails this fall about how the city plants trees. Our policy is to plant the right tree in the right place – basically, to avoid tree and overhead wire conflicts. As our City Arborist would say, our policy follows the “arboriculture norm” and how most municipal forestry programs nationwide operate. Here is the Wisconsin DNR New Tree Planting brochure: <> . Other good sites include the right tree / right place web page at the Arbor Day Foundation: <> and the International Society of Arboriculture’s Trees Are Good webpage at <> . Hope that helps.
Dog Parks. Two new parks opened in late November: McCormick Greenspace, 702 N McCormick Avenue and Demetral Park, 601 N Sixth Street. Both have new fenced dog parks. They join our four other off-leash dog parks: Brittingham Park, Quann Park, Sycamore Park and Warner Park. 2011 Dog Park Permits are now on sale. The cost of the Annual Permit is $27 and the daily permit is $5. To purchase a permit for your own pet, visit <> .
New Winter Parking Website. This new website offers information related to winter parking rules and snow plowing operations. Check it out at < <> > .
On Line Recyclopedia and New Streets Website. 2011 Recyclopedia’s and collection calendars are now available online – first time ever! Save some trees and opt out of the mailing at: Register for other cool updates and information from streets at the same time, if desired. Oh, and by the way, the Streets department website has been completely redesigned. Check it out: < <> > .
Winter at Madison Parks. Ok, winter is getting old already with this frigid December. But that does bring some goodies, and Madison Parks winter activites are in full swing. Sledding (Elver Park, Heistand Park, Garner Park, Warner Park, Berkley Park, and Olbrich Park), ski trails (30 km at six different locations), and outdoor ice rinks are all available. Don’t forget about the Adopt Ice Partnership, which we just used to secure an ice rink in Nakoma thanks to Madison Parks and over 100 Nakoma volunteers! For more information on Winter Fun in Madison Parks – visit < <> > . And to purchase ski passes (required at Odana, Elver, and all Dane County Park ski trails), visit the trailhead or purchase on-line at < <> > .
Police Update. Unfortunately, we saw a slight upswing in residential burglaries late in the fall. Remember to use common sense and protect your valuables. Also remember to call police instantly when problems arise. Here is a link to the press release: <> . Here is a link to south district news and the latest newsletter: <> . Here is a link to west district news and the latest newsletter: <> .
Junior Parman. For those of you that didn’t hear, Junior Parman died a few weeks ago. He, his son, and brother all owned and worked at Parman’s service station on Monroe Street. Please join me in wishing the family our deepest sympathies; this is a loss for them and for a historic Monroe Street icon.
2011 Neighborhood Grant Program. Materials are available at: <> . Contact Linda Horvath at 267-1131 or with any questions about next year’s program.
Blog Entries: I’ve strangely found a little time to write lately, and even posted a few articles to my blog. One is related to the Council, the other isn’t. If you are interested in my latest cogitations, check them out at: <> .
from Madison 10th Dist. Alder Brian Solomon
14 - Save with LED Holiday Lights
Through Dec. 31, 2010, buy LED holiday light strings (up to 12) for as low as $3.99, in various colors and shapes, at participating retailers <> . This offer is through Focus on Energy, a statewide initiative to save energy and the environment.
LED holiday lights last 10 times longer and use up to 93% less energy than standard incandescent mini lights, so you'll be saving on your energy bill. When you use more energy-efficient lighting, you're also doing something good for the environment and saving our planet too.
For more information: LED Holiday Lights <> [PDF - 181 KB]
Track your carbon footprint at <> from MG & E
15 - WI Air National Guard Soars When it Comes to Being Green
Over the past 2½ years, many business customers stepped up to the plate and joined MGE's Green Power Tomorrow <> program. The 115 Fighter Wing is a Green Business Partner and leads all Air National Guard units in the country when it comes to clean energy! The unit buys 100% green power as part of an overall plan to lower its carbon footprint from MG & E
16 - Tips for Avoiding Burglaries and Thefts
(Attachments: 3 2010 Burglary-Theft .pdf & 4 Home Security Checklist.jpg)
As the City of Madison continues to experience burglaries and thefts from autos, the Madison Police Department is looking for assistance in preventing and solving these crimes. Citizen involvement is a powerful resource and a critical asset to law enforcement efforts.
There are often simple steps that can be taken by residents that may help them avoid being victimized. The attached information offers suggestions as to how residents can improve the security of their homes and vehicles. We also need residents to be our “eyes and ears” and report suspicious activity/behaviors. To that end, Neighborhood Watch programs can also be a valuable asset.
The attached color brochure 2010 Burglary-Theft .pdf gives quite comprehensive information about how to avoid both residential burglaries and thefts from cars. The other one, Home Security Checklist.jpg,, is just that, a checklist. Please look at these, and forward them to your friends and neighbors.
We are trying to work more effectively and appreciate any assistance and/or suggestions you can provide. Please call 243-0500 if you have questions or would like to have us attend future meetings.
from David Jugovich, <>
Free Workshops for Young and Old
17 - Workshops for Parents on Promoting Early Literacy, Jan. 4, 19, & 26
Fitchburg Public Library received a grant from Target Corporation which has allowed us to organize four workshops on the topic of promoting early literacy skills in children.
January 4 workshops: Parents As Teachers – Ages 3-5 and 5-7
Two of the workshops will be on January 4 and are being co-sponsored by the Madison Metropolitan School District.
The first one, from at 10-11 am, is for parents of children ages 3-5 years. It will be held at the Fitchburg Community Center., 5510 Lacy Road.
The second, from 6:30-7:30 pm, is for parents of kids ages 5-7. It will be at Leopold Elementary School, 2602 Post Road.
In each case children are welcome and will enjoy a storytime with a craft activity while parents learn how to help their children enjoy success as readers.
Each workshop will use books by and about African Americans. Families will receive a free book to take home.
Call Megan, 843-5757, with questions.
January 19 & 26 – Age Birth to 4 and K-3
The second set of workshops, to be held on January 19 and 26 respectively, will be lead by Georgene Leu Kuntz, a specialist in early childhood education and a former children's librarian. Both of these will be at the Fitchburg Community Center, 5510 Lacy Road from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Both will in the Fitchburg Room.
The workshops are free, but registration is required. Call 843-5757 with questions or to register. Credit for Registry certified caregivers is available.
The January 19 workshop for parents of very young children, birth to 4 years, will teach parents how to help children become ready to read. Join Georgene to clap, tap, rhyme, read, and sing. Learn how these simple, fun and enjoyable activities give children a healthy and happy start on the road to reading.
The January 26 workshop is for parents of kids in grades kindergarten through third. If you are wondering how to support kids this age who are learning to read. The workshop focuses on helpful and practical ways to read with children whether they are enjoying reading or are reluctant to read.
Learn about choosing books for all kinds of readers and tips for making reading meaningful and enjoyable.
from Fitchburg Public Library
18 - HospiceCare Q & A Seminar Scheduled for January 11
Jan.11, 6:30-8 pm - Q & A Seminar – Making the HospiceCare Choice - What is hospice and who is eligible? Find out about the many hospice services and programs, and how choosing hospice means choosing quality of life. This seminar is offered at the HospiceCare location , 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway, Fitchburg. Pre-registration is requested for this free community seminar. Call Carrie at (608) 327-720 from HospiceCare
19 - A New Way to Have the HospiceCare Conversation: For some, "hospice" is a scary word
Medicare provides a six-month hospice benefit that makes high quality care virtually free for those under its coverage, yet many patients are referred to HospiceCare so late in their illness, there is little time to use the services fully. Families later tell us, “We wish we had called HospiceCare sooner.”
So why aren’t people who need our care getting it?
It’s probably a combination of factors, but we suspect that many people hear the word “hospice” and stop listening. They may believe that hospice is a place where a loved one goes to give up or may have other misconceptions. Hospice is not a place, but a valuable service that supports dying patients and their family members to maintain dignity and quality of life. So if you’re talking with someone concerned about a person with cancer, heart or lung disease, or another life-limiting condition, ask a few questions before you mention the word “hospice.”
• Would they feel better knowing they could get help anytime they needed it—days, nights and weekends?
• Would it help to have their medical team visit them at home instead of traveling to the doctor?
• Would they like help with coordination of visits, medications, medical equipment and navigating the healthcare system?
• Would they like education on their illness—what to expect and when?
• Would it help to have someone assist with caregiving so the family can take a break?
• Would they feel better knowing that Medicare pays for all this and more?
HospiceCare can help people get all of these services and answer questions. When there is nothing more that can be done to cure a disease, there is still much that can be done to enhance the patient’s life and to support the patient and the family.
from HospiceCare
Just for Fun
20 - Happy Holidays from the National Women's History Project!
This feature is brought to you for general information purposes and just as a relief from purely local news and issues.
December Highlights in US Women's History
· Dec 1, 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus to a white person; her arrest sparks the modern civil rights movement in the US
· Dec 5, 1935 - Mary McLeod Bethune creates the National Council of Negro Women
· Dec 7, 1941 - Capt. Annie Fox receives the first Purple Heart awarded to a woman for her service while under attack at Pearl Harbor
· Dec 10, 1938 - Pearl S. Buck receives the Nobel Prize for Literature for "The Good Earth"
· Dec 10, 1869 - Wyoming is the first territory to give women the right to vote
· Dec 13, 1993 - Susan A. Maxman becomes first woman president of the American Institute of Architects in its 135 year history
· Dec 14, 1961 - President's Commission on the Status of Women is established to examine discrimination against women and ways to eliminate it
· Dec 14, 1985 - Wilma Mankiller is sworn in as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma - the first woman in modern history to lead a major Native American tribe
· Dec 17, 1993 - Judith Rodin is named president of Univ. of Pennsylvania, the first woman to head an Ivy League institution
· Dec 28, 1967 - Muriel Siebert becomes the first woman to own a seat on the NY Stock Exchange
December Birthdays
· Dec 3, 1842 (1911) - Ellen Swallow Richards, first woman to graduate from MIT, 1873; recognized as the creator of the fields of ecology and home economics; cofounder of Association of Collegiate Alumnae which became the American Association of University Women
· Dec 6, 1927 (2002) - Patsy Mink, first Japanese-American Congresswoman (D-HI); wrote the Women's Educational Equity Act; played a key role in the enactment of Title IX which was renamed posthumously as the "Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act"
· Dec 9, 1906 (1992) - Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, pioneering computer scientist who invented the compiler and co-invented COBOL, computer programming languages
· Dec 10, 1830 (1886) - Emily Dickinson, one of America's most famous and prolific poets
· Dec 14, 1897 (1995) - Margaret Chase Smith, first woman elected to both houses of Congress (D-ME), serving 8 years in the House of Representatives and 24 in the Senate; first in Senate to challenge Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist crusade
· Dec 16, 1901 (1978) - Margaret Mead, renowned cultural anthropologist, author, lecturer
· Dec 21, 1959 (1998) - Florence Griffith Joyner, "Flo-Jo," Olympic track and field champion, won 3 gold medals and 1 silver at 1988 Summer games, called "World's Fastest Woman"
· Dec 22, 1912 (2007) - "Lady Bird" Taylor Johnson, First Lady, 1963-1969; advocate for civil rights, National Chair of Head Start, led "Beautification" efforts across the country involving environmentalism, conservation, and anti-pollution
· Dec 23, 1867 (1919) - Sarah "Madam C.J." Walker, entrepreneur and philanthropist; first woman and first African American woman self-made millionaire; revolutionized hair care and cosmetics industry in early 20th century
· Dec 25, 1821 (1912) - Clara Barton, founder and president of American Red Cross, 1881-1904
· Dec 26, 1954 (2006) - Susan Butcher, sled dog racer; 4-time winner of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
21 - Which Great Woman Was Born On Your Birthday?
Watch people crowd around to see whose birthday they share. 750 women from U.S. history are named on this oversized poster with day by day listings, colorfully bordered with images representing their many activities. Alphabetical list included for cross reference.
24" x 37" Celebrate Women Poster+Index <>
Created and Research by Margaret Zierdt
National Women's History Project, 3440 Airway Dr Ste F, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 <> (707) 636-2888
-------- End of the December 20, 2010 Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood e-News --------------
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