July 29, 2011
The DMN e-News and an occasional hard copy DMN News are published by the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association (DMNA) on an “as-needed” schedule. The Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association, Inc. has been working to unite neighbors to solve mutual problems and promote fellowship among neighbors since 1973. Our neighborhood is in Madison & Fitchburg.
President, Bob Hague, bphague@tds.net 218-7060
News contact, Mary Mullen, communications@dunnsmarsh.org
or mmullen@chorus.net 298-0843
Website: http://www.dunnsmarsh.org <http://www.dunnsmarsh.org>
On Facebook: http://facebook.com/note.php?note_id=378988848623 <http://facebook.com/note.php?note_id=378988848623>
Join our sister neighborhood association at the ADMNA Festival Saturday from noon-5:00. This is a positive compared to the crimes reported in the next 3 articles. Read about a former DMNA president who died this week. Learn how to participate in the City of Madison’s budget process and how to be sure you have your voter ID for the next election. Unless noted otherwise, the articles were written by Mary Mullen.
- Sat., July 30, noon - 5 p.m - Allied Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association Festival, Belmar Park, Jenewein & Red Arrow Trail (Article 1 and attachment)
- Wed., August 3, 7 pm – DMNA Council meeting. Prairie UU Society, corner of Crawford/Whenona
- Fri., August 5, 5 p.m.-dark - Annual DMNA potluck picnic, Marlborough Park basketball court. Bring a potluck dish to share, anything you want to grill, your own beverages, picnic-ware, and a lawn chair or blanket to sit on. This is a low-key, friendly gathering for all people in the neighborhood.
- Mon., Aug. 15 – Deadline for comments on the final Verona Rd project Environmental Impact Statement. (See articles 7 & 8.)
In the Neighborhood
1 - ADMNA Festival Saturday at Belmar Park, Noon to 5 pm (Attachment: ADMNA fest flyer.jpg”))
2 - Youths Attempt to Burn Garden in Marlborough Park
3 - Stabbing Perpetrator and Victim Apprehended in Front of Zimmer’s Liquors
4 - Meadowood Neighborhood Experiences Crime Issues: What to Do
5 - Apache Pond Reaches Substantial Completion
6 - Neighbor, Former DMNA President, and Soccer Mainstay Charles Billings Passes Away
7 - How to Comment on Verona Road Final Environmental Impact Statement (Attach: “2 Verona Rd Stage 1.jpg)
8 - A Bicyclist Comments on the Verona Road Final Environmental Impact Statement
9 - Free Energy Audits Offered by WISPIRG
From the City
10 - City Has Places to Cool Down During Extreme Heat
11 - City Budget Survey Can Be Done Online
12 - You, Your Neighborhood, and Your City Budget Conversation Invite - from Mayor Soglin
13 - City Budget Conversation to Feature 5 Different Service Subjects
14 - Voter ID Update: Sources of Information
15 - Free Voter ID card Requires $20 Fee for Birth Certificate!
16 - Voter ID Requirements Detailed - from the City of Madison
In the Neighborhood
1 - ADMNA Festival Saturday at Belmar Park, Noon to 5 pm (Attachment: “1 ADMNA fest flyer.jpg”)
The 4th annual “Moving In Not Out Neighborhood Festival,” sponsored by the Allied Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association starts at noon this Saturday, July 30, at Belmar Park (behind the Boys & Girls Club). Weather permitting, it will continue until 5 p.m.
Fun, food, music, raffles, and games are planned.
The attached flyer advertises “Fun for All - Kids and the Kids at Heart.”
It’s a good place to meet socialize or just kick back and be a people-watcher.
Also, remember that the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Association will be having its annual potluck picnic on the east side of the neighborhood in Marlborough Park on the following Friday, 5 p.m. until dark.
2 - Youths Attempt to Burn Garden in Marlborough Park
Four years ago, on the night of October 13, arsonists burned the Marlborough Park playground, setting in motion construction of a bigger, better playground. The arsonists were never found. It seems that now some firebugs are at it again.
Can you believe that in the past week, in broad daylight 3 young people were actually seen starting a fire in one of the hay-mulched gardens in the Marlborough Community garden and setting it afire? Sadly, that is true.
Two gardeners were in their plots in the no-till garden and saw the culprits. The arsonists were 2 older teenage boys and a younger girl. When one gardener yelled at them, they fled, carrying a gas can. That gardener grabbed a hose and put out the fire, limiting the damage.
The vandalism was reported to police, but as yet these misguided young people haven’t been identified.
There are also reports that someone has tried starting fires at the back door of the Boys and Girls Club. Another person saw kids trying to set a fire in the trash barrel near the basketball court in Marlborough Park and stopped them.
Anyone with information about any of these fires should contact the arson investigator, Fire Captain Bradley E. Olson, 266-4488 and beolson@cityofmadison.com
Call 911 if you see arson in progress.
by Mary Mullen
3 - Stabbing Perpetrator and Victim Apprehended in Front of Zimmer’s Liquors
Lots of police cars and a civilian car with an open door were what caught my attention about 12:45 this afternoon when I passed by Zimmer’s Liquor Store at 4217 West Beltline Highway - the frontage road.
A call to Mr. Zimmer revealed that the problem didn’t really involve either his place of business or an accident. Apparently, a stabbing had taken place shortly before elsewhere in the neighborhood, and the police had been lying in wait in front of his establishment for the car to pull up. Both the perpetrator and victim were apprehended there.
“I got to watch the whole thing for about an hour,” he said.
Nasty doings.
by Mary Mullen
4 - Meadowood Neighborhood Experiences Crime Issues: What to Do
As a subscriber to the Meadowood Neighborhood e-mail list, I’ve learned recently that that neighborhood along Raymond Road has been experiencing a lot of small crime issues.
Here’s what their association is recommending. Since this is also what we in the Dunn’s Marsh neighborhood need to do, I’m reprinting it.
Dear Neighbors,
Since I sent out emails about recent criminal activity in the [Meadowood] neighborhood I was alerted to mailboxes being damaged on Monticello Way, someone's vehicle being keyed on Prairie Road and an attempted motorcycle theft.
Just a reminder of options available to you on reporting criminal activity/behavior:
1. If it is an immediate situation please call 911
2. If it is something that may not be dangerous but annoying, call the dispatch number at 266-4275 and select #7
3. You can always self-report on the City's website
o General Problems: https://www.cityofmadison.com/reportAProblem/GeneralFeedback.cfmThese are just a few ways neighbors can keep city officials and neighbors informed!
o Graffiti: https://www.cityofmadison.com/reportAProblem/Graffiti.cfm
o Exterior Housing issues i.e. junk, trash in street or property: https://www.cityofmadison.com/reportAProblem/exteriorHousing.cfm
o Traffic Enforcement (hint keep a notepad and pen in your car): https://www.cityofmadison.com/reportAProblem/traffic_enforcement.cfm <file://localhost/reportAProblem/traffic_enforcement.cfm>
Lisa Veldran, President, Meadowood Neighborhood Association
5 - Apache Pond Reaches Substantial Completion
Felipe Avila and I wanted to let you all know that Iverson Construction has reached Substantial Completion on the Apache Drive Wet Pond Construction Project and we'll be having a final punch list walk-through with them early next week. Please feel free to pass along any comments, concerns, and/or suggestions to me or Felipe at your earliest convenience so we can address these prior to final payment.
Here's a summary of upcoming work still planned around the pond:
1. August to November 2011 - Occasional spot herbicide treatments and/or mechanical cutting of weeds/undesired plants
2. September or October 2011 - Public Grand Opening Celebration of the Apache Drive Pond and Volunteer Planting Party with neighbors, DMNA, ADMNA, Dane County Boys and Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and/or any other interested service organizations. This would include a summary of historical development patterns of the area, reasons for the pond construction, future management of the pond (e.g. mowing, prescribed burns, etc.), potential future connections to the Cannonball Path, and informational signage.
Also, we've had some requests to install pet waste signage, bag dispensers, and receptacles as well as picnic tables and/or benches. If anyone has comments, concerns, and/or suggestions on any of these items, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback you've given to me and Felipe so far! Let's keep those ideas and suggestions rolling in.
6 - Neighbor, Former DMNA President, and Soccer Mainstay Charles Billings Passes AwayRick Eilertson, P.E..Environmental Engineer, City of Fitchburg
rick.eilertson@city.fitchburg.wi.us,270-4264 direct, 235-0412 cell
He was a quiet neighbor but one with a passion for volunteer activities.
Charles Billings, of Windflower Way, was known best in upper-echelon soccer, but he also devoted some of his time to the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood.
Read about his contributions to the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood here. The link to his soccer activities as a player and as an adult leader here in Madison is at the end of this article.
Charles Billings became a DMNA Council member in October 1989 and served as Secretary until the fall of 1991 when he moved up to Vice President. In May of 1992 he became President of the DMNA and continued in that position through October 1993.
There’s a gap in my set of newsletters between October 1993 and April 1994, but apparently at the fall 1993 meeting, a new president was elected, and Charles became Vice President. October 1994 brought a new change of duties. Charles was again Secretary and remained so until the September 1995 annual meeting.
That’s a total of 6 years continuous service on the DMNA Council, nothing to sneeze at.
Charles did not serve on the Council again, but he did help the DMNA come out of its “quiet period” of the early 2000s. He was one of 9 people attending what my notes of that October 1, 2005 meeting call the “Neighborhood Assoc. Resurrection Mtg.” Also attending were other former DMNA presidents Dave Martin, Scot Sauer, and Mary Mullen, and former Council members Carol Poole and Sharon Flinn, as well as Dave’s wife Linda, and newcomers Danielle and Ray Rosales.
At that time, as we went around the circle, Charles spoke in favor of coming alive again. He saw our role as one of collecting and disseminating information, serving as a “hub of information” and pulling that information together. He also mentioned that we should revive the spring cleanup and should sponsor social activities. Personally, he said that he wanted to get to know newer residents and develop friendships. Later in the meeting he also mentioned that the neighborhood needs “the leverage of an association.” Individuals alone can’t do as much as residents working together in an organized group. Charles also attended a meeting of most of the same people on October 24, 2005 as we planned how to proceed toward rejuvenation.
Finally, he was one of the people that helped lead the public meeting in April 24, 2006, that officially got the DMNA going again with election of a new slate of officers. Charles em-ceed the all-important part of the meeting where people aired their concerns and ideas. And, as they say, the rest is history. We’ve been a going operation ever since then, and we’ve made a difference.
Let’s not leave thinking about Charles Billings without a few wise words from him about being part of the neighborhood association. His words are just as true today as when he wrote them nearly 18 years ago.
Writing in the Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood News in October 1993, he urged neighbors to become more involved in the Association.
The future of the DMNA is a fragile thing. Like all functioning organisms, its future is dependent on a periodical infusion of new resources to replace those that are lost….
The issues the DMNA address do directly affect the neighborhood’s residents. We need and want persons who are interested in the local problems and concerns. Persons who want to be able to affect local events; to bring about change; to find out what’s going on. The DMNA is the locally based vehicle to achieve these goals. Join us for your own benefit - for our mutual benefit.
Charles Billings died July 27. As his neighbor on Windflower Way puts it,
Didn't know him too well kept to himself and had others doing his yard work.
Hard to see a long time resident pass away this way.
I’ll add that I’ll miss Charles too even though I only talked to him when I delivered flyers on his street. He was always friendly and supportive. In the last conversation I had with him, probably a year ago or so, he talked about his work with soccer. He was obviously proud of his work there and very busy with it.
Read about his career as a player and a distinguished leader in soccer at
by Mary Mullen
7 - How to Comment on Verona Road Final Environmental Impact Statement
(Map attachment: “2 -Verona Rd Stage 1.jpg”)
Ready to comment on the Verona Road Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)?
You have 2 choices:
By e-mail, comment to Larry Barta larry.barta@dot.wi.govTake a look at the attached map of Stage 1 changes. Or better yet, view the entire FEIS electronically on the web at the following address:
In hardcopy, provide your comments to Joe Olson, Regional Director, WisDOT, SW Region, 2101 Wright St., Madison, WI 53704-2583.
http://www.dot.wi.gov/projects/d1/verona/environment.htm <http://www.dot.wi.gov/projects/d1/verona/environment.htm> .
If you have little time, at least study the Executive Summary which is at the beginning of Volume 1. It’s about 25 pages long.
Find the entire 2-volume set of the FEIS at these branches of the Madison Public Library:
Central Library, 201 West Mifflin Street
Alicia Ashman Branch, 733 North High Point Road
Meadowridge Branch, 5740 Raymond Road
Monroe Street Branch.1705 Monroe Street
Sequoya Branch, 4340 Tokay Boulevard (at Midvale)
South Madison Branch, 2222 South Park
It’s also available in adjacent cities:
Middleton Public Library, Main Branch, 7425 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton
Verona Public Library, Main Branch, 500 Silent Street, Verona
McFarland Public Library, Main Branch, 5920 Milwaukee Street, McFarland
Fitchburg Public Library, Main Branch, 5530 Lacy Road, Fitchburg
8 - A Bicyclist Comments on the Verona Road Final Environmental Impact Statement
(This communication was sent to the “bikies” listserve in hopes that avid bicyclists might weigh in on the bike facilities for the Verona Road project.)
The proposed Verona Road/West Beltline project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is out. It has many plans for bike/ped facilities in the vicinity of Verona Road and the Beltline. Written comments must be in by Monday, August 15. There will be no public hearing.
Bikers might especially be interested in commenting on
- plans related to getting across Verona Road close to the Beltline,
- ways to cross the Beltline (There’s no traffic-separated route right at the intersection, and the bike/ped overpasses are further away than most people want to go if they are trying to get to the Dorn Hardware area or Midvale Blvd)
- crossings involving the Southwest Commuter Trail, the Badger State Trail, and the Cannonball Trail, especially of Verona Road and also PD, and in Stage 3 as well as Stage 1 and 2.
Some of these crossings are a veritable nightmare now.
The at-grade crossing of the Beltline on Verona Road is extremely dangerous now. A proposed tunnel that will connect the Beltline frontage roads on each side of Verona Road is a big improvement over the at-grade crossing – 17 lanes after Verona Road expansion!!! - that was proposed in the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
The Badger Trail and Cannonball crossings of PD are at grade right now. Plans for Stage 1 – coming up in 2012 – do NOT provide for grade separation. Traffic on PD is heavy now and travels fast, making it dangerous to cross. Traffic will only get much, much worse during the 3-year construction period when traffic will try to avoid going through the construction zone up by the Beltline. A grade-separated crossing is still not promised for Stage 3, around 2030.
Changes to the access point to cross the Beltline on the ped/bike bridge at Whenona Drive are counter productive in my view since few bikers and even fewer pedestrians – often school kids going to Cherokee or Thoreau – like going half a block out of their way in the wrong direction and then having to double back toward their point of origin.
Now the access point for the ped/bike overpass is at Whenona Drive. Today’s users don’t need to cross traffic either on Whenona or anywhere else when getting on from Whenona. The newly proposed access point would mean that many peds and bikers would have to cross Whenona and/or Britta, go half a block west, then come back half a block east to get on Whenona and go down to the schools.
People heading to Dorn Hardware, including myself, would probably chose to risk the at-grade crossing of the Beltline on Verona Road rather than go the extra block and then have to cross Verona Road/Midvale at-grade anyway even though they had already taken the overpass.
The Stage 1 plans calls for moving the Southwest Commuter path to the west at the underpass of Verona Road. Stage 3 offers a couple of choices – keeping it more or less on its same alignment or putting it on a Raymond Road bridge. I go for the straight shot myself.
To join the bikies listserve, go to http://lists.danenet.org/listinfo.cgi/bikies-danenet.org)
by Mary Mullen
9 - Free Energy Audits Offered by WISPIRG
This summer WISPIRG Energy Service Corps ‘Power to the People’ campaign is working to increase energy efficiency in Wisconsin.
The Energy Service Corps is working with homeowners to make their homes more energy efficient.
WISPIRG's Energy Service Corps is a joint project of the WISPIRG Foundation and AmeriCorps. Specifically, AmeriCorps members with WISPIRG Energy Service Corps will provide FREE home energy assessments and upgrades.
To learn more about this and to take advantage of this free service, go to http://www.webaction.org/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SURVEY_ID=6102 <http://www.webaction.org/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SURVEY_ID=6102>
WISPIRG stands for the Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group. To learn more about the organization, look at <http://www.wispirg.org/about-us>
AmeriCorps emphasizes community service. It’s somewhat like a domestic Peace Corps, I believe. AmeriCorps members receive a modest living allowance, student-loan forbearance, health coverage, and child care for those who qualify. After successfully completing their term of service, they receive an AmeriCorps Education Award of up to $5,350. This award can be used to pay off qualified student loans or to finance college, graduate school, or vocational training at eligible institutions.
by Mary Mullen
From the City
10 - City Has Places to Cool Down During Extreme Heat
The City of Madison is urging people to protect themselves from the dangerous heat and humidity. Temperatures have been in the mid-90s recently with heat indexes of up to 115 degrees. Although it’s cooled off somewhat this week, you still might want to put the following information in your memory bank.
A map of city facility locations shows public places that have air-conditioning or might bring you relief from the heat. <http://www.cityofmadison.com/residents/summer/coolDownLocations.cfm <http://www.cityofmadison.com/residents/summer/coolDownLocations.cfm> >
The ones closest to us are the public library branches at the Meadowridge Library 5740 Raymond Road and Sequoya Library at Midvale and Tokay. The Cypress Spray Park at 902 Magnolia Lane and the Goodman Pool on 325 Olin Avenue are other facilities that can cool a person down.
Check out the website for information, facilities and map of cooling centers.
http://www.cityofmadison.com/residents/summer/extremehotweather.cfm <http://www.cityofmadison.com/residents/summer/extremehotweather.cfm>
from City of Madison
11 - City Budget Survey Can Be Done Online
City of Madison residents are invited to participate in an on-line survey about the Madison Budget.
Don’t miss this easy opportunity to contribute your ideas and opinions. The survey is available at
12 - You, Your Neighborhood, and Your City Budget Conversation Invite - from Mayor Soglin
Each year during the budget process, we ask Madison residents for their thoughts as to how the city should spend its money. This year, as you think about the upcoming city budget, please go deeper than individual line items – consider what values are important for our city and how these values should be expressed in the services that the city provides for individuals, neighborhoods and the city as a whole.
In these challenging times, citizen involvement is more important than ever. That is why we are structuring our operating budget process differently this year. We are involving you, the citizen, earlier in the process and we want your ideas. There are two ways for you to participate, both in person and online. I hope you have seen some of the many announcements regarding our Community Budget Conversations. There will be five separate Community Budget Conversations in five areas of the city focusing on various aspects of city services. (If the link doesn’t work, use this URL: http://www.cityofmadison.com/budgetProcess/conversations.cfm )
Elected officials and city staff will attend, as you discuss with your neighbors your values and priorities for city services, keeping in mind how this budget will affect you, your neighborhood, and your city.
If you can’t attend one of the community meetings, I invite you to participate in the budget survey on the website. The ranking of city services in the meetings and on the web will help guide the development of the City budget. Now more than ever it is important to hear from community members about budget priorities. We also hope that participating in this process will help you understand more about where the city’s money comes from, how it has been spent in 2011, and the wide range of services our city employees provide. I urge you to participate, join in the discussions and complete the budget survey. Your involvement is vital as we move forward together.
Mayor Paul R. Soglin
13 - City Budget Conversation to Feature 5 Different Service Subjects
1. Community Development & Services WAS Tuesday, July 26, 7-9pm
Location: Urban League. 2222 S. Park Street, Suite 200
This meeting covered (1) the Community Development Authority (CDA) and the (2) Community Development Division.
The committees & commissions under these organizations are: CDA, CDBG, Community Services Committee, Early Childhood Care & Education Committee, Committee on Community Gardens, Housing Committee, and Senior Center Advisory Committee
2. Administration. Monday, August 1, 7-9pm
Location: Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 3330 Atwood Avenue
Departments & Division covered are Common Council, Mayor, Municipal Court, Civil Rights, Attorney, Assessor, Clerk, Treasurer, Finance (Comptroller), Information Technology including City Channel, and Human Resources.
Committees & Commissions covered include Affirmative Action Commission, Equal Opportunities Commission, Commission on People with Disabilities, Personnel Board, and CCOC.
3. Infrastructure, Tuesday, August 16, 7-9pm
Location: Madison Senior Center, 330 W. Mifflin Street
This meeting will cover the following Departments and Divisions: Public Works, Engineering, Streets, Traffic Engineering, Metro Transit, Planning Division, Economic Development Division, Building Inspection, and Water.
Committees & Commissions covered by the Infrastructure meeting are: Madison Arts Commission, Downtown Coordinating Committee, Long Range Transportation Planning Committee, Ped/Bike/Motor Vehicle Commission, Board of Public Works, Committee on the Environment, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Vending Oversight Committee, Plan Commission, Urban Design Commission, and the Landmarks Commission.
4. Large Community Facilities & Parks (Recreation), Monday, August 22, 7-9pm
Location: Orchard Ridge UCC, 1501 Gilbert Road
This meeting will cover the following Departments and Divisions: Library, Monona Terrace, Overture Center, and Parks.
Committees and Commissions covered by the Large Community Facilities & Parks include: Madison Public Library Board, Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center Board, and the Board of Parks Commissioners
5. Public Safety, Wednesday, August 31, 7-9pm
Location: Warner Park Community Recreation Center, 1625 Northport Drive
Departments & Divisions covered will be Fire, Police, and Public Health.
The Committees and Comissions included are: Public Safety Review Committee,Board of Health for Madison & Dane County. and the ALRC (Alcohol Licence Review Committee.
14 - Voter ID Update: Sources of Information
Beginning in September, the City Clerk’s Office will offer presentations and question & answer sessions throughout the community to educate voters on the requirements of the new voter ID law and on how to obtain a free ID for voting purposes.
Information on the new law is available at http://www.cityofmadison.com/clerk/PhotoIDDetails.cfm <http://www.cityofmadison.com/clerk/PhotoIDDetails.cfm> . It is also printed below.
City of Madison brochures regarding the new law are available at the following links:
Thank you for helping us spread the word about these extensive changes to our voting process!
Maribeth Witzel-Behl, Madison City Clerk
Wisconsin Certified Municipal Clerk
phone: 608-266-4601
~We exist to assist.~
15 - Free Voter ID card Requires $20 Fee for Birth Certificate!
The new voter ID law passed by the State of Wisconsin and signed by the Governor provides that voters may receive a free identification card for voting purposes. However, there’s a BIG catch. To get a free ID, voters born in Wisconsin will need to present a certified birth certificate to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The certified birth certificate costs $20!
Besides the money, to get the certified birth certificate, you will have to also provide some kind of identification that you are who you say you are.
If you were born in Dane County, acceptable corroboration of your identity can be
· Wisconsin driver’s license or Wisconsin identification card with photoIt used to be that you could simply provide this kind of information when you registered to vote right at your voting place on the day of the election or prior to election day at your municipal clerk’s office. There was no need to have a birth certificate and no fee at all for registering at the polls or at the clerk’s office. Now voters must go to a Motor Vehicle Department office with their materials in order to get ID if they don’t already have it.
· Current college or high school identification card with photo
· Document with your name and address (Utility bill, Wisconsin hunting or fishing license, government-issued photo identification badge, United States passport, check or bank book, health insurance card, recently signed and dated lease, or traffic ticket)
· Family member or friend with photo identification who will corroborate you
Fortunately, if you have a valid Wisconsin driver’s license, a passport, or military ID, those will work at the polls as ID although you still have to prove your address if your ID doesn’t have your current address.
Would-be voters born in other states have various requirements to get their certified birth certificates. For example, people born in Illinois must pay $15 for a full certified birth certificate and also pay an $8.50 fee to apply for the certificate if using a credit card.
If you were born in Iowa, the fee is $15 and another $9 for using a credit card to order it. It might take weeks to get your birth certificate too. The Iowa information notes that it might take 30-45 days to get the birth certificate ordered by mail or 10--14 days if you ordered by telephone using a credit card. Or if you went to Des Moines, IA to get your birth certificate in person, you would have to come back 1 or 2 days later to get it after you ordered it.
Of course for other states there are often other requirements as well such as filling out an application form, providing photo ID, and method of payment.
For comparison to the “free” Voter ID, the cost of a driver’s license or Wisconsin voter ID is at least $28 - and up to $35. This might make it somewhat cheaper to get a free Voter ID even if you have do have to pay $20 for a certified birth certificate. But, regardless of that, the new Voter ID law has made it quite a bit harder to register to vote.
by Mary Mullen
16 - Voter ID Requirements Detailed - from the City of Madison
Photo identification used for the purpose of voting is not required to have a current address.
Acceptable forms of photo identification if the expiration date is after the November 2, 2010, election:
- Driver license issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended
- Identification card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- Military identification card issued by a United States uniformed service
- United States passport
Additional acceptable forms of photo identification:
- A certificate of naturalization that was issued within two years of the election for which it is used as ID
- Unexpired driving receipt issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- Unexpired identification card receipt issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- Identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin
- Unexpired identification card issued by a Wisconsin-accredited university or college that contains a date of issuance, signature of the student, and expiration date no later than two years after the date of issuance
How to Get a Photo ID to Vote <http://www.cityofmadison.com/clerk/GetaPhotoIDtoVote.cfm>
Voter Registration Changes
The following changes to voter registration are effective immediately:
- Under the new law, you may no longer register to vote the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before an election. However, you may still register to vote at your polling place on Election Day.
- Voters may no longer use a corroborating witness as proof of residence when registering to vote. Acceptable forms of proof of residence - http://www.cityofmadison.com/election/voter/voterRegister.cfm <http://www.cityofmadison.com/election/voter/voterRegister.cfm> .
Signing the Poll Book
Voters are now required to sign or make their mark on the poll book before receiving a ballot. There is an exemption for voters who are unable to sign the poll book due to a disability. This change is effective immediately.
Absentee Voting
There are no immediate changes to absentee voting, but the following changes will be implemented in 2012.
Photo ID must accompany absentee ballot requests. Voters will be required to send a photocopy of an acceptable form of photo identification with their absentee requests. There are exemptions for indefinitely confined voters on the permanent absentee list, military voters, voters who are permanently overseas, and voters in nursing homes who are receiving their ballots from special voting deputies.
Photo ID enclosed with absentee ballots. Voters may be required to enclose another photocopy of their acceptable form of photo identification in the envelope containing their voted absentee ballot. We are waiting for the Government Accountability Board to provide some guidance on this requirement. There are exemptions for indefinitely confined voters on the permanent absentee list, military voters, voters who are permanently overseas, and voters in nursing homes who are receiving their ballots from special voting deputies.
Absentee voting in the Clerk’s Office ends the Friday before the election. The City of Madison has traditionally been open for voting the Saturday before each election, but will no longer be able to offer this service in order to comply with the new state law.
Voters without Photo Identification
Beginning in 2012, voters who do not present an acceptable form of photo identification will be given a provisional ballot. This ballot will not be counted unless the voter returns to the Clerk’s Office with acceptable photo identification by 4 p.m. the Friday after the election.
Straight Party Ticket
The voter photo identification law eliminates straight party voting for everyone but military voters and voters who are permanently overseas.
Voter Education
The Clerk’s Office will hold voter education sessions throughout the community to answer questions about these changes in state law. If you would like someone to speak to your group, please contact us at clerk@cityofmadison.com <mailto:clerk@cityofmadison.com> or 608-266-4601.
We ask that you help us spread the word about these new regulations. Our goal is for all eligible voters to be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.
Additional information from the Government Accountability Board http://gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/photo-id
Information from City of Madison website
---- end of the July 29, 2011 Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood e-News----